Hi.L.F.Trad Project. ENPI CBC Programme “Italy-Tunisia” 2007-2013.

Sicilian-Tunisian Hilâl of the Traditional Dairy–Milk Chain through new technologies.

Hi.L.F.Trad: Project idea.

Traditional cheeses are linked to the territory of origin from which they draw peculiar characteristics defined “Biodiversity Factors “. The factors related to land, climate, raw milk, pasture, farming and the historical and cultural aspects that distinguish the production area. For these reasons, a traditional cheese can become a vector of knowledge of the place and its culture, a means of interaction between the production chain and consumers. Therefore the project idea is to promote the variety of Tunisian cheeses and territories, thanks to these factors that become “markers” and “brand” of the territory.

The Project

Overall objective of the project:

The overall objective of the project is the creation of a network of knowledge between research and actors in the milk-dairy sector, in order to obtain an exchange of expertise and technologies in the area concerned by the ENPI CBC Italy-Tunisia Programme.

Project activities

The main components and project activities Hi.L.F.Trad. are six:


coordination and piloting of the actions to be performed, administrative and financial management of the project.
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of a strategy of internal and external communication of the project.
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of the local context on the actors of the ovine milk-dairy chain in Beja by the distribution of…
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Applied research

on milk-dairy products and identification of the cheese on the market according to the regulations…
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Skills development

through training and information seminars, creation of a network for…
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Enhancement and implementation

of an experimental marketing plan for milk-dairy products, marketing study…
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Hi.L.F.Trad. Partners

Hi.L.F.Trad. project partnership is composed of: CoRFiLaC, GAL Eloro, INAT, DGPA, GDA.

CoRFiLaC [Lead Partner]

GAL Eloro [Partner 1]

INAT – Institut National Agronomique de Tunis [Partner 2]

DGPA – Direction Générale de la Production Agricole [Partner 3]

GDA – Groupement de Développement Agricole [Partner 4]


The project is co-financed by the European Union under the Program “Italy-Tunisia” 2007-2013 European Instrument Neighbourhood and Partnership – Cross Border Cooperation (ENPI-CBC).

This website was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union in the framework of the ENPI-CT “Italy-Tunisia” 2007-2013. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Gal Eloro and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the the management structures of the program.

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Project Hi.L.F.Trad “Italy-Tunisia” 2007-2013
